PALE Homebrew Club Elections

September marks the end of the Club Year for PALE. This means that, over the next two months a great deal of important club business will be conducted and it is imperative that you participate in these matters.

To participate in the following events, you must be a Member in Good Standing. This means, you must be an active, Dues Paying member of the Club. If you have not paid your dues, you cannot participate or vote in any of the matters before the Club Membership.

Too keep this posting readable, the “short” version will be written at the top and the “long” version will be put below it.


– FY2014 Budget will submitted to all Club Members to review. (to be submitted “very soon”) The Budget will then be voted up/down by the membership at the September Meeting. The voting method will be a simple show of hands.

– Nominations for the (4) Elected Officers, three (3) Elected Directors will be taken at the September meeting. The outgoing board will also be accepting volunteers for the five (5) Appointed Chairs. The elections for the Officers and Directors will occur at the beginning of the October Meeting. The newly elected Board of Directors will then convene after regular business and appoint the Chairs from the pool of volunteers.

See…nice and short. That was not too bad, right?

Now, for those of you want more details, feel free to keep reading.


– FY2014 Budget will submitted to all Club Members to review. Each item will be estimated based on costs summarized from FY2013 and include the mandatory costs we have to pay as a club. The budget will show those items that MUST be paid, and the optional items. the mandatory costs are pretty much fixed, so the stronger the member base the better we are at fund raising, the more we will have to spend on the optional items. Optional, btw, does not mean they are not important, simply that they are not mandatory costs. The Budget will be voted up/down by the membership at the September Meeting. The voting method will be a simple show of hands.

– Nominations for the (4) Elected Officers, three (3) Elected Directors will be taken at the September meeting. The outgoing board will also be accepting volunteers for the five (5) Appointed Chairs. You can read the full details of what the responsibilities are for each office HERE, but in brief:

The Officer positions are a one year term. At the time of your election, you must have been a member in good standing for at least 6 months. You must be able to attend 80% of all general meetings. You must be able to attend all Quarterly Board meetings. You must be willing to check the club-issued mailbox for your office and respond to Club business on a timely basis.

– Shall preside at all meetings of the Club Officers and General Membership and be Ex-officio member of every committee.
– Shall plan the meeting, arranging for topical discussions, demonstrations, or guest speakers
– Shall cause to be called regular and special meetings of the General Membership and Club Officers in accordance with these By-Laws
– Shall create committees and coordinate the efforts of all Standing Committees.
– Shall review the financial records of the club on a regular basis
– Shall act as the principal point-of-contact between The PALE Homebrew Club and the American Homebrewer’s Association, other homebrew clubs, businesses, and Organizations

– Shall in the absence of the Chairman, assume the responsibilities and duties of the Chairman
– Shall assist the Chairman with coordinating “Field Trips”, visits to (and reciprocate) other clubs, conventions and/or workshops
– Shall work under the direction of the Chairman to advance and promote the good image and beneficial works of the PALE Homebrew Club
– Shall work with the Chairman to recommend, determine and implement policy decisions made by the Club Officers

– Shall have the overall responsibility of care and custody for all club funds and securities. By regulation, the Treasurer is required to make all deposits for the club into the PALE Homebrew Club Bank Account.
– Shall render a statement of the condition of the finances of the club at each meeting of the Club Officers and general meetings, or at such other times as required.
– Shall keep correct books of account of all its business and transactions and such other books of account as the Club Officers may require.
– Shall exhibit at all reasonable times the books and accounts to any members when requested.
– Will advise the Club Officers of methods for improving PALE Homebrew Club financial management.
– Shall do and perform all other duties normally pertaining to the office of the Treasurer.
– Shall prepare and file all mandatory State and Federal financial documents as required by law.

– Shall create a written agenda for all the meetings and forward a copy of the agendas to the President preceding each meeting.
– Shall keep written minutes of all the meetings and forward a copy of these minutes to the President as soon as possible (while agenda is current and fresh in the Boards minds), but no later than the week of the next regularly scheduled meeting.
– Shall assist in the execution of committees and be responsible for directing and advising committees formed by the Club Officers and coordinate committee activity with other functions of the club.
– Shall be the archive of all official documentation of the PALE Homebrew Club.

Next you have the Directors. The purpose of the Director is to provide long-term stability to the management of the PALE Homebrew Club, responsible leadership, and structure. Directors are also responsible for the management of all legal and governmental aspects of running a nonprofit corporation.

A Director must meet the following requirements:
– They must have been a Member in Good Standing for the past twelve (12) months
– They must be willing to serve for a two (2) year term
– They must be able to attend 50% Board Meetings
– They must be able to attend 75% of all general meetings
– Like the Officers, they must also be responsive to club-related business emails and respond in a timely manner.. Unlike the officers, their personal email address will be used.

Finally, you have the Chairs. The Chairs are not election positions but are instead appointed by the newly elected Board of Directors. Anybody can volunteer to be a Chair, even if you are holding an Elected Office, you simply have to be willing to put in the time to act upon the responsibilities of your position. Please look at the By laws for the full description of each Chair.